Monday, March 25, 2013

different ways of relaxation techniques

Relaxation is necessary for your mental and physical well-being. If you do not give yourself time to relax on a regular basis, your body and mind can become worn out and overwhelmed. Relaxation is the most natural and effective way to soothe and revitalize your mind. Through relaxation, you will become more in touch with your body, enabling you to recognize and
overcome any tension in your body more easily.

Types of relaxation techniques

1- Guided Imagery and Guided Relaxation

Guided imagery and guided relaxation are relaxation techniques in which you listen to a message specifically designed for relaxation. You can work with a partner or use a recording of your own voice or another voice reading a relaxation script. You can also purchase guided imagery and guided relaxation audio recordings. To prepare for guided imagery or guided relaxation, you should make sure your environment is quiet and free from distractions. Begin in Relaxation Pose, and place an eye bag or folded face cloth over your eyes. During guided imagery or guided relaxation, your mind and body work together to help you achieve a state of deep relaxation.

2- Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra is a powerful relaxation technique where you remain aware and conscious as you move into a state of deep relaxation. This state of complete mental and physical relaxation heals and rejuvenates your entire body and mind. You should work with an experienced yoga instructor to explore the Yoga Nidra technique.

3- Tense-Relax Technique

The Tense-Relax Technique involves moving through your entire body, tensing each part of your body and then releasing the part and allowing it to completely relax.To perform Tense-Relax Technique, begin in Relaxation Pose. Inhale and tense your feet, hold for a moment and then exhale and release your feet, allowing the tension to drain away. Inhale slowly and then exhale
slowly, allowing your feet to completely relax.Continue to tense and release each part of your body,gradually moving up to your head.

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